
The 1-Stand Foundation is a Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) dedicated to positively impacting the lives of "you". The Foundation is built on four strong pillars which are unity, love, hope and positivity.

Who are you? Why you? What's so special about you?
All these questions deserve one answer....You are Human and deserves to be treated Human.

Here At the 1-Stand Foundation, we share life issues and sort out life issues between each other... what issues you may ask
Being human brings alot of issues along with it such as depression, anger management and many more. Here at one stand we telling "you" that there's no standard to high to cross over.

The 1-stand foundation is vast in the sense that it welcomes everyone from young to old, fat to slim, downtrodden to the molested and rape victims, abused children, ex convicts and cultist, sex addicts, drug addicts and many more... we saying,rather than keep the pain in you, why not talk to us about it.

At 1-stand, we believe talking is good.

Talk to us about everything, anything or just something, we are always ready to listen, our, phone lines, twitter handle, facebook page, bbm, and email adresses are at your service, please talk to us, we guranteee positivity in everyway.

This page is always readily available, so please if you shy or probably want to keep to yourself, please pay attention to this blog, our posts will definately inspire.

Remember...Together, We Can.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Out Of My Deep

A man once said “someone who loves you unconditionally can hate you unbelievably”. This statement is very true but can I put it this way “someone who loves you unconditionally can hate you uncontrollably”.  Life is a very dicey place. Everyday we walk on broken glasses without even knowing we are.  Depending on who you are and why you are on the earth, life is either of two things, its either a journey or a destination, either way life remains a place.
To the optimist life is always a destination but to the pessimist life is a journey, constantly changing her course depending on the believe system of a man. Life has no place for the realist because life is no reality, life is a ring of interconnected dreams constantly changing every second with every decision we take, and whenever we don’t make a decision, life automatically chooses for us.
We are 100% what we think of. We often say “a man is defined by his actions” but this is not totally true. A man is actually defined by his thoughts not his actions.  Consider this scenario: a young student is listening  to a physics dictation from a lecturer in class but thinking of  a song he listened to earlier that day, there is a 99% chance that the student would write down what he is thinking of  rather that the dictation of the physics lecturer. This sounds familiar to us right? This is because we are all 100% a product of what we think of.  The abusive statement “why do you like acting without thinking” is then totally wrong because a man can never act without thinking, actions are products of thoughts.
Some say we are products of what we believe in, but you would agree with me that a man can believe in something but not necessarily act on it but if a man thinks about something, there is a 99% chance he would act on it, either consciously or subconsciously. Ultimately our thoughts control us everyday without us knowing it. Thoughts are very powerful; they are like video games playing on our minds waiting for us to act on it. If a man can’t control his thoughts, he can never control life and if you can control a man’s thoughts, you are right behind the steering wheel of life.
All the crisis we undergo on the earth starting from simple addictions like masturbation, drugs to  rape, murder , terrorism and so on started from very  tiny harmless thoughts which kept on growing till our bodies couldn't contain them anymore and so they burst out into our dreams.  Just like diseases, thoughts are easier to control when they are still in their very inception, but once they step out of our minds and into our dreams, we have what I call an “outbreak”.
 It is of my own reasoning that no man is born bad or good or evil, all men are born with just thoughts which are encapsulated in the mind. As life goes on, Situations and challenges shapens a man and his thoughts until he is left with the decisions of  good, bad or evil. Like I said earlier, if a man doesn’t make a decision, life would make it for him, that is, if you don’t choose either of the three when they are presented to you, life would pick for you. For example after undergoing series of betrayals from a partner you love unconditionally, with time, hatred might step in subconsciously. If you don’t choose fast to overcome the betrayals and lies, life would automatically put in an uncontrollable hatred in your thoughts.

In summary if you want to control life, attitude, behavior, temperament, temper, future and dreams, you have to handle and control you thoughts as fast they step into your mind.

(This post was extracted from the book: Out Of My Deep by Osinubi Ore. Please drop your comments, your opinions and suggestions  are of extreme importance. If convinient, please share and post on your blogs too. Thank you).

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Keep On Keping On

Colonel Sanders went to more than 1,000 places trying to sell his chicken recipe before he found an interested buyer. The fact that we can buy Kentucky Fried Chicken today attests to his perseverance. Thomas Edison tried almost 10,000 times before he succeeded in creating the electric light. If he had given up, you would be reading this in the dark!

The original business plan for what was to become Federal Express was given a failing grade on Fred Smith¹s college exam. And, in the early days, their employees would cash their paychecks at retail stores, rather than banks. This meant it would take longer for the money to clear, thereby giving Fed Ex more time to cover their payroll.
Sylvester Stallone had been turned down a thousand times by agents and was down to his last $600 before he found a company that would produce Rocky. The rest is history! To truly succeed requires a total commitment to your goal. Too many people make the mistake of quitting just short of success. Keep going no matter what. If you really believe in what you are doing, give it all you've got and don't give up.
You will succeed. There is no such thing as failure. Every action produces an outcome. It may not always be the outcome you are looking for, but it is an outcome nonetheless. If you monitor the results of your actions and keep correcting what is not working, you will eventually produce the outcome you are looking for.
Be Persistent . As was said about President Calvin Coolidge: “Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with great talent. Genius will not. Un-rewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not. The world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.”

Don’t quit before the miracle happens!

Friday, 12 April 2013

Life & Love

Life is a mystery,constantly reminding us that time and chance is constant.

Life is teacher, constantly teaching us that we are our lives best teachers.

Life is a vision,constantly telling us that if we don't look,we would never see.

Life is a Mirror,constantly warning us to watch our back because no one else will.

Life is a glasshouse,constantly warning us to think before we act.

Life is a land of mines constantly asking us to look before we leap.

Life is a Judas,constantly remind us to Trust no one but yet give everyone a benefit of doubt.

Life is a House of gold constantly warning us that life isn't about the riches but riches are needed in life.

Life is a cemetery,constantly reminding us that both the poor and rich have the same destination.

Life is a flame,constantly burning us every now and then when we make a wrong move.

Life is a boomerang,constantly going back & forth looking for a perfect time to hit back at us as a result of our past sins.

Ultimately Life is Jesus constantly telling us that Love is Ultimate.