
The 1-Stand Foundation is a Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) dedicated to positively impacting the lives of "you". The Foundation is built on four strong pillars which are unity, love, hope and positivity.

Who are you? Why you? What's so special about you?
All these questions deserve one answer....You are Human and deserves to be treated Human.

Here At the 1-Stand Foundation, we share life issues and sort out life issues between each other... what issues you may ask
Being human brings alot of issues along with it such as depression, anger management and many more. Here at one stand we telling "you" that there's no standard to high to cross over.

The 1-stand foundation is vast in the sense that it welcomes everyone from young to old, fat to slim, downtrodden to the molested and rape victims, abused children, ex convicts and cultist, sex addicts, drug addicts and many more... we saying,rather than keep the pain in you, why not talk to us about it.

At 1-stand, we believe talking is good.

Talk to us about everything, anything or just something, we are always ready to listen, our, phone lines, twitter handle, facebook page, bbm, and email adresses are at your service, please talk to us, we guranteee positivity in everyway.

This page is always readily available, so please if you shy or probably want to keep to yourself, please pay attention to this blog, our posts will definately inspire.

Remember...Together, We Can.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Grief and Gratitude

I'm usually an upbeat, happy person, so I've been perplexed these past few days by a feeling of free-floating depression. Everything in my life is great, so why am I feeling physically lethargic, mentally fuzzy and sad?
As I pondered this situation, I realized that this is the time of year when my i lost something very dear to me a couple of years ago. Eight years ago, on December 13, the loving, wonderful lady who had always been my rock, let go and moved on. She was pretty old,had lived a good life so far and was ready. But I wasn't, and still am not. I've gone on with my life, but not a day passes when I don't think of something I forgot to ask her, wish we could laugh together or I could receive her wise counsel on a troubling matter.
Even though I miss her every day, I'm usually able to enjoy my life and function just fine. However, each year around this time my subconscious reminds my body that it's a time of grief, and I feel "down" for a week or so. Once I identify what's going on, I can relax, be gentle with myself, and get on with things. Still, it's disconcerting until I remember that I'm reliving my grief over having an empty space where my lady should be.
What always amazes me is that my subconscious and body remember, even when my conscious mind is focused elsewhere. So this month I'm reflecting on her, and all the people who were physically in my life and are now in my heart. I'm also reflecting on how incredible the human mind/body connection is, and how grateful I am that they help remind me of the important stuff.
How about you?